Monday, August 8, 2011

there was Branson and then there was Boulder...

hmmm... Last year's 70.3 (half Ironman distance) triathlon in Branson did not end well. It ended with a big DNF (Did NOT FINISH). This season I have been battling injuries and have only raced one triathlon and did not meet my expectations for it - other than I got to race, finally!

Yesterday was the Boulder 70.3. My goal for the race was under 8 hours - they say that you can estimate your full Ironman distance time by multiplying your 70.3 X2 and adding one hour. So, 8X2 + 1 = 17 hours -- the time limit on an Ironman distance race (140.6 miles). My finish time?

or did I finish? Oh yes I did! I made my under 8 hour goal - 7:59:13 - talk about cutting it close!

My diabetes strategy was a full, epic fail but I'll work on that!

In the meantime, I threatened to sleep in my medal but I didn't.... here it is for you to enjoy too!


Sperry said...

Well Done! California Browns are super proud!

Jake and Erin Lewis said...

You rock Karen, it was tough out there! I'm still getting over my sunburn.