Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bike to Work Day was a success

Bike to work day in Denver was today.

I had a great ride to work and home. It started a little chilly on my way out the door, so I took the long sleeve Jersey, but when the clock struck 7, I was hot!

As on most bike to work days, I end up riding a little off course, but always find my way to the office.

This year I tried a new trail, it runs along 36 between Sheridan and Wadsworth. I saved upwards of .2 miles each direction.

Interestingly enough I did run across at least one friend of mine on the ride. There were many fewer riders on 287 this year. Just before the highway 7 intersection on my way home, I saw a rider, I think it might have been Russ. I'll ask tomorrow, but as I approached the light, I saw Jake. I probably startled him as I rode less than 4 feet away "JAAKEE!!" from which he returned "TUCKER!", and I was on my way.

The next part is for the geeks.

Temp 50
Departure time 5:50
Miles: 31.91
Avg speed 17.5
Time 1:50

Nice 9.5 hour rest at work.

Temp 80? Hot
departure time 5:20
Miles 63.9
Avg speed 16.6
Time 3:50

Friday, June 3, 2011

ah, the Tridge!

So, we are in Michigan for a few days and the sun is shining and birds are chirping (although the rain is promised to start tomorrow). While it is nice we decided to visit the famous Midland Tridge!!! the Tridge is a 3-way bridge over the confluence of three different rivers.
We thought we would go onto the Tridge and take a few photos but that wasn't allowed today....

So, a self portrait on the banks...

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