Monday, July 11, 2011

Tucker has been doing all the posting.... why?

Well, Karyn is NINE weeks from the start line at Ironman Wisconsin so been busy swimming, biking, running and nursing injuries (somewhere between 20 and 35 hours per week! yikes!!!!!).
First, surgery for frozen shoulder in March that started refreezing!  There seems to be thawing and a whole lot less pain so I attempted my race yesterday which was 1500m swim/ 40k bike / 10k run - .9ish mi swim/ 26 mi bike / 6 mi run. The swim was very slow but I have only been swimming for about 3 weeks because of the shoulder.

I wanted a 4 hour finish and expected a 4:30 finish. My actual time? 4:10. My swim was 3 min slower than I expected even though it felt faster..... my bike was faster than I figured although not as fast as I thought. My run? what a disaster. sooo slow. I have a neuroma in my foot - an irritated nerve, essentially. Feels like shards of glass being shoved through the ball of my foot with every footstrike. argh! So, all things considered - shoulder and foot. I am more than happy and my first Boulder Peak = PR!!!! I was also much faster than my Olympic distance swim, bike and run last year - 4:3...something.

Now I have a new bike and I'm ready to kick some a$$! Look out for me in a month at the Boulder 70.3 (half Ironman for those that don't know - 70.3 miles)!!! I can't wait and just want to have fun - seriously, this whole thing is about having fun.

Diabetes? Race day was a disaster and I don't know why and neither do my teammates (all of whom have type 1 diabetes). The three of us that did this race - all different diabetes strategies and different results! argh! This disease is soooo frustrating!

Hope to have more postings - and more that are about non-triathlon stuff.....


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