Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Harvest Moon 70.3 (Half Ironman)

So, the Harvest Moon 70.3 mile triathlon is a half iron distance race ('IRONMAN' is a brand name and it is NOT a brand name race) that is the 2nd weekend in September and I thought it would be cooler than the Boulder 70.3 the first weekend in August... I was WRONG.  89 degrees for a high for the Boulder race and 95 for the Harvest Moon.  Ugh.  I don't race well in heat.  At least there was a slip-n-slide finish!!!

My finish for the Boulder 70.3 in 2011 was 7:59.  My finish time for the Harvest Moon, in spite of the heat, was 7:25!   An improvement of 35 minutes!  The general rule of thumb for estimating your Ironman finish time is to double your half iron time and add one hour.   Going into Wisconsin that put me at 17 hours - the cutoff is 17 hours and I ended up completing the race in 16:47.   With 7:25 I am looking at an estimated finish time of 15:50.   I am actually estimating 16:11 in my mind, for some reason.... but we'll find out on November 17th!

Tony and his relay team had a great race, placing 3rd overall and each getting an award with a bottle of wine!

I had a great race, overall, and am looking forward to Ironman Arizona in 9 weeks (not that I'm counting).

Did I mention that the slip-n-slide finish felt soooooooooo good?  It did.   Every summer race should have one.

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