Saturday, March 17, 2012


9 hours 50 minutes Denver to Frankfurt
1 hour to walk from the international terminal through customs (no line) through the Frankfurt airport, re-enter security, and out to the gate...
1 hour 30 minutes flight to Warsaw

20 minutes to walk from the gate to the baggage claim (This was a lot further than it should be since the airport is so small.)

And a rental car with a manual transmission?

It took a while to find the hotel since the google maps didn't have the road names right in a bunch of places. Perhaps it was the street-signs didn't have the full street names, but never the less the hotel is up this street.

Later walking, you can see a casualty from these cobblestone streets.

I ran across this place while looking for dinner. Something about this doesn't seem right.

Looking through the old Zamem Krolewski (King's Castle) wall, there's a Thai joint?


David said...

So, for those of us who haven't seen you in a while... What are you doing in Poland?

Tucker said...

suffering from jetlag? seriously. I'm on work travel.