Monday, July 6, 2015

Boomerpalooza 2015

Boomerpalooza 2015
Karyn and I didn't have much to do over the 4th so we decided to rent TK and head out to Iowa.  I had to file instrument to get out of BJC.  The weather was forecast to be great, but it wasn't at the airport.  Only 30 miles east of Denver and we were in the clear...  Except for the smog (Canada must be burning up!).  We descended in the smog 100 miles west of Ames over a cloud layer.  We had ~10 miles visibility, but not reference points, I was flying by instruments again...  The sky cleared as we approached Des Moines.  We buzzed Boomer's house on the way in, but he was at Target...

 Boomer was roasting a pig.  You can see the coals on this Chinese cooking box.  Thad over to help with the cooking!

 Who else wouldn't host a party without an air show!  The Red Barron came out to play.

Figure 8 with smoke, then a hammer head.

 Just in time for the pig to be ready.  Excellent food, this was just the start:
Pig, Bands, 5 Kegs, 8 #5 cans of beans, 12 Gallons of spinny drinks,14 Dead spots in the yard, 8 pork butts, 28 lbs of slaw, 100's of friends, 1000's of miles traveled

 There was quite a bit of smog still in the air, but it sure does make beautiful sunsets!

The Nadas came out to play.  Great show!  Not bad for Napier.

There was some carnage after the pig was cleaned...

And the random stuff left behind by party goers.  The best is the baby bottle...   Yep Seth brought his little ones, and oops a little Pork on the smallest one's head while he was eating...

We were having so much fun! With some great hosts Boomer and Kathy, we decided to stay another day. The weather looked good for flying on Sunday too.  They must have this great of weather all the time!

Off to the BBQ at Half Fast Flying adventures.  Boomer thanked them for the airshow with a 1/2 left over keg of Bud Light.

Woodwards:  We found your resource center!

Napier, a small town in the Great Plains, with an old school house.  (Boomer's driveway)

Boomer is da man!  Best Monoskier in Iowa (self proclaimed), back at his home resort Seven Oaks.  Yep that's all his!

 Boomer cooks everything perfectly, even when there is no cooking...

Another great night with friends and (Boomer's) family!

We had to come home sometime...  As we approached Omaha we found some weather. Rather than filing (/a) I tried to go over it, then I tried to go under it.  Then I tried on top again...  Then I called weather and we headed South.  No problem getting around it.

But we got to stop for a pee break and some fuel in York Nebraska.

Arriving home just before the afternoon showers took the airport to IFR.  Landed just in time!

Another Great time seeing Boomer, Kathy and friends.  Great food, Great times!  Great flight. 3.9 hours out to Iowa, 5.4 on the return.

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