Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boring weekend...

Tucker is off hunting and I am home alone.  I cleaned up some stuff... went to the Habitat For Humanity thrift store and got some stuff  (but didn't install any of it).   I did get one thing done.  (note the old electronics 'stand' in the lower righthand corner - and ignore how cute handsome is being)

We woke up Thursday morning to our electronics stand (read 'night stand' having the back legs broken off.  All the electronics were 'leaning' against the wall precariously. 

I found 12 or 15 nightstands at the Habitat store that were identical (and $10 each) and picked the one in the best shape.  Then the work began - figuring out what wires went where, what I could throw away (my insulin pump DVD was the first to go - I know how to use it now).

The end product was worth it!

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