Sunday, September 16, 2012

300 mile lunch

Pilots know about the $100 hamburger.  (the price has gone up by now) Sometimes you need to figure out a good excuse to go flying...  So why not take a Flight someplace only to get lunch?

Today we got in our 300 mile lunch.  Which you can also dub the color tour of Colorado 2012...

We headed out about 10 am; not without issue, Karyn's battery was dead on her bike.  Roll starting didn't work, so I drove the car to the bottom of the ally to jump it.  Then missing ear buds, but I had an extra pair.  Off we went.  Quick stop for fuel, and up the busy highway.

Kenosha pass was exceptionally busy with the hikers and the color, see below where we got some pix on the way back.

We only put our feet down at the traffic light in Fairplay between Denver and Salida.

One tank down 141m according to google.  (That is a stretch for the VTR.)  Karyn had a salad and soup, and I had a sandwich...

On the way back we were stopped at the same light in Fariplay... go figure.
The traffic was a bit heavier on the way home, but as you can see the colors were great to look at. Here is a pic at the top of Kenosha.

When we got home Karyn pointed out that my new rear rack bracket was broken, a weld failed.  Glad I found this out today instead of next week 1/2 way to California...

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