Monday, April 4, 2011

Zany Sunday!!!

April 3, 2011

Another Zany Sunday! Always a fun day at the beach and always good friends. But this time proves. Not always good beach weather.

Even the balloons were a little tired.

The beach didn't fill up until 9:30. We got a great spot down by Pali chair. After parking and setting up the balloons, we headed up for our warm breakfast in the lodge. $12 dollars later we had our skier breakfast and our biscuits and gravy.

I'm glad we brought the tent this year, we got a lot of quality time in the tent.
The crowd wasn't large, but it was Zany! We had a visit from the Tele-tubby again this year.

And some frozen snot-sickles. As usual we warmed up the grill for some great eats. Brats and Italian sausage.

Nobody should forget the Yellow Mustard. (Dad, this one's for you.)

All in all, by the end of the day we were having great runs on great snow. Looking forward to next year. Zany Sunday is going to be April 1!