Monday, October 18, 2010

Karyn has bursitis...

Well.... here it is..... I drove to Boulder this afternoon to see MY orthopedic doc after I didn't get an especially warm fuzzy from the doctor on Friday. I scheduled surgery with him after him telling me that the MRI showed a torn labrum (soft tissue that holds the 'ball' in the joint so that you don't dislocate your shoulder all the time) and frayed bicep tendon (likely torn).

So, one of the things that I like about Dr. Halbrecht is that she has performed surgery on my knee.... 3 times. Tucker's shoulder once and Tim's shoulder once. When I arrived at her office today she looked over the radiologist's report and then took off to her office to look at the digital MRI pics.

THEN, she invited me into her office to look at what she saw. An inflamed 'bursa'. BURSITIS! I have BURSITIS!!! So, what was that other doc talking about? She saw what he saw but said it appeared to have been a very old injury and that if my shoulder wasn't prone to dislocation that I shouldn't bother with the repairs. :)

Then she had me do some wall push-ups. Apparently, my right shoulder blade isn't tracking correctly and this is what is causing the bursa irritation.

The solution??? physical therapy. End of story. I still will be an Ironman in 2011. I will still be skiing and hut tripping in 2011. Life goes on, as normal, and hopefully my shoulder feels much better soon.


Fitness Insights said...

Hooray for healable injuries!

Jake and Erin Lewis said...

Bursitis! Very glad no more surgery. I'm still hoping to meet you at a hut for Christmas!

Unknown said...

That sounds horrible, but healable and without surgery so that's good...get better ASAP!