Friday, January 15, 2010

This post has NOTHING to do with Handsome

It's a finger update and life in general update...

Since it took me more than 2 weeks to post about Tucker's birthday (and it wasn't a complete post at all - we also had the Emerlemanhousers over for yucky steak in Keystone with Ma and Pa Brown) but figure that everyone is probably wondering what the result of this is....

Well, after 3 weeks.... here it is... the skin has peeled off - in several different layers - from the most injured areas. Almost nothing turned black so that is a good sign that although fingertips are still numb-ish most feeling should return within 12 months. whew! Here's a peak at what the worst ones look like today. It's much like a really bad burn... freezer burn, in this case. The skin peels off and the skin underneath is red and raw. Very sensitive and just a bit strange to be explaining this to you all....

That's all for now. Karyn has signed back up with Team Wild and has a recent post as well as committing to participate in the Branson, MO 70.3 mile 1/2 IRONMAN on Sept 19, 2010! Anyone who can and wants to come out and support - I'm going to need it. No cheating this time... I'm doing all 3 events myself!

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