Sunday, November 15, 2009

World Diabetes Day (or how the Browns spent the weekend?)

So, November 14th is World Diabetes Day - bet ya never knew that, huh?

The American Diabetes Association in Colorado hosted an Adult Type 1 and Family retreat weekend at Beaver Creek, CO. We had a researcher speak about the research he is doing with mice (using all the great donations to me, your RED RIDER?!?!?) and the progress he has made. It was absolutely amazing! I was on a panel of adult diabetics who spoke to the children

and then another panel that spoke to the parents. There was also a discussion between spouses of us diabetics and all that they deal with which sounded REALLY interesting but I was busy talking to the kids at that point. WOW - lots going on!

At dinner on Saturday night I spoke to the group about Team WILD. I didn't realize all the emotions that parents go through until our Team WILD dinner after the 1/2 Ironman when one of the parents said (through her tears of joy) 'When my toddler was diagnosed with diabetes I never could have imagined that this was EVEN POSSIBLE' I wanted these parents to know that 15 of us, with 300 - yes, THREE HUNDRED YEARS - of diabetes between us did just what so many people in our lives thought our disease would prevent.

I hope I inspired just a tiny bit of hope... I hope.

We also met up with our friends Emily and Dave and Tucker got to meet Carter!

It was wonderful to hang out with them in the hot tub and watch their little water baby splash and play! My hope is that he never has to deal with diabetes.... He (and every other non-diabetic) is why I am now involved with these groups that help to cure and improve the life of diabetics and their support network - cause this disease doesn't just affect us and that is what I walked away with this weekend.... until next weekend?