Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tour de Cure Colorado 2009

This all started last night, I almost forgot! Karyn skipped training with her trainer to have a 'rest' day before the BIG ride today and then picked Tucker up from work in Longmont and we headed to the VIP dinner for the Tour de Cure! They invited everyone who raised such an amount to the stage for a photo. The woman standing next to Karyn actually was on a bicycle ride to Jamestown a few weeks ago so they had a warm hug and encouraged each other regarding the ride the following day -

So, this morning Karyn got up at 6am to ride 62 miles... on her road bicycle to support the American Diabetes Association (you've probably seen a blog post or 4 about this subject already). She started out in row 2 as they invited all VIPS to the front - anyone who collected more than $1000 in donations. Last evening she realized that the heart rate strap for her GPS was at work! So, she was not able to use this valuable tool to guide her blood sugars during the ride... The GPS was still able to tell her that she climbed 3083 feet and burned 2700 calories so not all was lost ;)

Here she off to ride!

Here she is after arriving back at noon - started at 7 am....

There was a 'minor' issue at mile 50... which had started a few miles prior. The integrity of the rear tire was compromised (prolly a mfg defect) and a LARGE flap was blown from the tire - BLOWOUT. No bueno. I promptly pulled off the course after I heard the loud BANG and got to work. A 'ride ambassador' helped me fold a $1 bill into 4ths and place inside the tire between tire and tube. He then followed me the last 12 miles and I made it!

I rode with Team Red - all DIABETICS! Here is the team photo!!!

1 comment:

Fitness Insights said...

That is an awesome blog post! So cool that you got to be up on stage! Did they let you sing a solo to finish off the night? Maybe a little acceptance speech! Congrats on being one of the best dern 'red riders' out there!