Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's TWINS!!!

Back from my appointment and everything checked out well so, I guess... It's TWINS!!!

Tucker's '02 Golf TDI (Silver) will be joined by my (if all works out with the seller) '04 Jetta TDI (Silver). I really wanted a different color so we didn't match so well but it's tough to find a TDI in a manual transmission. Don't worry, the Aspire isn't going anywhere too far - my friend Walt wants to buy her! But, with the Jetta I can carry a bike AND a person (Aspire couldn't do that). My gas mileage should be at least 41 (Aspire 'only' got 36). Jetta can carry two bikes and more people and stuff! Now to get the title and pay the seller!


(sorry to anyone who was hoping it was babies - but it's a 'baby' at our house, we love our toys!)


Jake and Erin Lewis said...

Congratulations to the happy family! All is as it should be in the world. :)

Karyn said...

Amazed by the lack of comments.... :)

Bill Brown said...

Boy what a clean garage. Is it the Browns? If so it must be for the twins.

Karyn said...

WOW? That's a CLEAN garage?!?!?!? Not good enough pics apparently... hahahaha