Sunday, April 24, 2016

The quest for a new kitty......

So, it's been sad days at our house with the recent losses of Handsome and Copper.   Only Jaspurr remained.....     A week ago on Monday we found the most perfect kitty - he was in the 'Lost and Found' section except it turns out he wasn't lost or found.   His owner passed away.   He was adorable and lovable and amazing.    A 'normal' lost cat has a 5 day hold.....  this kitty had a 10 day hold while they attempt to contact next of kin.   We fell in love and put down an 'adoption hold' fee to make sure when/if he was adoptable that we got first dibs!   He was brought in on the 8th... we met him on the 9th...   we revisited on the 15th (knowing he would be adoptable on the 19th, at the latest) and he was a little 'different'.   Too much time in a cage?   Not as lovable.  Not as interested in interacting.  Hissing at the cat in the cage next to him that he couldn't see.   We tried to be patient.  I called on the 19th..... they said they had contacted next of kin and they were interested in him so he would be on hold again.  I asked for how long and they said that they didn't know.   What?!?!?!?!

The shelter called on the 22nd to let us know he was available and would be held for us until Saturday at close of business......   BUT.....  we didn't go get him.    next blog, please.

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