Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bike to Work Day was a success

Bike to work day in Denver was today.

I had a great ride to work and home. It started a little chilly on my way out the door, so I took the long sleeve Jersey, but when the clock struck 7, I was hot!

As on most bike to work days, I end up riding a little off course, but always find my way to the office.

This year I tried a new trail, it runs along 36 between Sheridan and Wadsworth. I saved upwards of .2 miles each direction.

Interestingly enough I did run across at least one friend of mine on the ride. There were many fewer riders on 287 this year. Just before the highway 7 intersection on my way home, I saw a rider, I think it might have been Russ. I'll ask tomorrow, but as I approached the light, I saw Jake. I probably startled him as I rode less than 4 feet away "JAAKEE!!" from which he returned "TUCKER!", and I was on my way.

The next part is for the geeks.

Temp 50
Departure time 5:50
Miles: 31.91
Avg speed 17.5
Time 1:50

Nice 9.5 hour rest at work.

Temp 80? Hot
departure time 5:20
Miles 63.9
Avg speed 16.6
Time 3:50


David said...

Holy Shit!!! That's one solid day of riding not-the-best roads in the area. Does that seriously say you rode up I-25 and 287? Wa! You're one tough SOB.

Tucker said...

Straight up wads, 287