Thursday, March 4, 2010

MonoP 2010 - Aspen, CO

Well, what can I say? It's been a while since we've blogged and there's been many-a-good reason, I'm sure.... First, work. Lots of it! For both of us. But, Tucker was on mandatory overtime for MonoPalooza - in ASPEN. We both bought Aspen 'Classic Passes' available to Colorado residents in the fall. FIVE days for $250. blech. Until I saw our out of state friends pay $516 for 6 days. And I got the extra (6th) day for $49 ($300 for my 6 days)!

Gus and I started the morning with beer and breakfast burritos... to give you an idea of how things go sometimes at MonoP.

If you don't know what Monopalooza is.... Here's a bit of what it is.
(When Karyn blogs, it's pictures. When Tucker blogs, it's words)

Waiting for the bus....

Skiing, after getting the bus...

Having a drink (or two) at lunch, after waiting for the bus and skiing....

Being a TeleGirl with a bunch of Monoskiers - who apparently really don't care that I tele....

Having fun after all the bussing, lunching, drinking and raffle tickets are done!

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