Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just starting out with a blog....

Well, I can't seem to keep up with my picture posting at our regular website, so I've resorted to starting a blog. I/We will try to update at least once a week but life can get hectic and crazy.....

Yesterday we got a flushable litterbox (Cat Genie, not that you flush the box, well sorta, but that you can wash/dry the litter and the poop/pee gets flushed. And the poop/pee goes into the toilet automatically (along with the washing/drying of litter) up to 4 times per day and we just need to flush the toilet to get rid of the waste! no more touching litter or poop/pee piles! Hopefully the cats adjust to it. I'll post pictures of this when I get home tonight. Handsome got a tour last night... we'll see if anyone used it though today.

Enjoy our ramblings from here on out!

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