Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Kr2 Gathering

Ken Rand came to the attention of the sport aviation world in the summer of 1972 when he brought his KR-1, N1436, to Oshkosh. It was a sensation and along with the KR-2, which was introduced at Oshkosh in 1974, turned homebuilding in a new direction -- toward the composite designs of today. Since 1972 more KRs have been built than any other design and the KR-2 remains at a peak of popularity. -- Source airfoilengineering.com

I headed out to KMVN for the annual gathering.  The location moves around, but KMVN is one of the favorites with tons of support from the airport and FBOs

I flew into St Louis airport and crashed overnight at a hotel, followed by a very rainy drive over to Mt Vernon IL.  When I got there, the first sessions were already under-way.  Lots of great information was presented from Wt and Balance to supplies and painting methods.  Some engine guys were there talking about a new water cooled engine, and another talking about mods to corvair engines to improve performance to 110-120 HP from a base 95hp engine.

When we stepped out to the hanger just before lunch there were already pilots leaving the airfield due to the storm I had driven through and the rest of the conditions for the next few days.  The furthest flier came from New York over 1000 miles.

 Jim Faughn flown by Mark Langford -- relatively stock kr2 (upgrades include dragonfly canopy, rear windows and seatbelt attachment.)
 Larry Flesner (Fairly modified KR2s, wing tanks no header, side canopy design tires O-200 engine)
 Brad Stone running an 0-290 one of the heaviest planes there.
Joe Weber relatively stock kr2, flaps on this one.
Rob VW powered with the Deihl trickle option.  If you look closely you can see it's a little tight with 2 people.  Something I'm going to have to figure out how to resolve if I ever take passengers...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Another Visit to Jay and Ingrid's

Another great visit to Steamboat and to Jay and Ingrid's retirement property.  We somehow missed the memo about taking mt bikes, everyone but Jay, Ingrid, Karyn and I went mt biking.  There are a lot of fun trails.

Instead we went to the airshow on Sunday, we saw some of the same aerobatic pilots we saw in Longmont earlier in the summer.  They had a rough time due to strong winds.

Complete with WWII planes and STOL competition.

 As always Jay cooks some great food, Cheesesteak!